how to get over a breakupJane knew how to get over a breakup. This was different, though. He was her soul mate, she knew it. But for some reason, he was determined to move on. Nothing she said or did or promised or pledged made a difference. He was gone. And she was alone. And heartbroken.

That heartbreak took over Jane’s life. It consumed her every thought. Eating up her entire life. She knew how to deal with a breakup in the logical sense, but this situation felt life-encompassing.

So that instead of really living, she was dwelling in the memory of what had been. Rather than moving forward, Jane became fixated on reclaiming a past that was gone and never coming back. 

Try as she might, Jane could not shake loose from HIS grip. Not his literal grip. But the grip Jane’s mind had on the image of him.

A grip so tight there was no space for love or light. No space for Jane to live a real, fulfilling, or meaningful life. A life with the possibility of a new and greater love than that she shared with the partner who deserted her.

And remember, Jane is a strong, smart, attractive woman. It’s just that at the moment, she was lost, heartbroken, and caught in swirling despair. 

Perhaps Jane sounds familiar? Maybe you see yourself in Jane?

Well, Jane’s stuck in the place anymore.

Now Jane has a vibrant new life. A wonderful new partner, with whom she shares a kind of love she never dreamed was possible. And their love has sent them a beautiful baby.

How did she get from the pit of her despair to this brand new life?

Get Him Off Your Mind

And if you’re languishing in your own personal pit of despair, Get Him Off Your Mind can pull you out and create the space to realize a brand new life of your own.

Click to find out how